Reservations for 2025 are now open. You can book for 2024 & 2025 by calling 250.725.4213 or 1.877.725.4213 or by submitting your request online.
District of Tofino Stage 1 Water Restrictions now in effect. More info here >>

Going Green

Our Outlook on Green

Crystal Cove Beach Resort is committed to lowering our eco-impact on the environment wherever and however possible, and we are very proud to be the recipient of the TripAdvisor Gold Level Green Leader Award.

Crystal Cove Beach Resort is also a registered Ocean Friendly Business with Surfrider Pacific Rim, which means we are working to lower our plastic footprint, divert waste from landfill, and adopt measures to protect the ocean, beaches and waves.

You can do your part when you visit by remembering to bring your own mug, reusable water bottle, reusable bag, reusable container and cutlery if you plan to enjoy the Bean at the Cove coffee bar. You can also make a positive difference while you're here by picking up any litter or marine debris that you find on any beaches or pathways.
Ocean Friendly Business


ecostar winner




Below you will find some of our environmental programs at work.

Rainwater Collection

Rainwater is collected from run off and stored in large tanks and then used to water the gardens, conserving this valuable resource that is in such high demand during our busy summer season.

We are honoured to have won the 2018 Ecostar Award for water conservation, this award is given to "an organization or business that has made dedicated effort to conserve drinking water, with measurable results." The Vancouver Island EcoStar Awards recognize outstanding environmental achievements and leadership by businesses, organizations and individuals.

New Vegetation

We are continually planting new vegetation in locations appropriate to their needs which lessens their demands for water and added nutrients. Increasing density helps to stop soil erosion, improve air quality, provides valuable habitats, and makes our grounds look beautiful.


Compost bins in our cabins allow our guests to reduce their carbon footprints and lower the amount of garbage going into landfills. We are then able to use the compost in our gardens and reduce the amount of organic fertilizer needed.


Curbing around our garden beds improves water retention and prevents soil erosion. We also use natural materials such as slate and rock to pave our walkways and help with drainage.

Organic Fertilizers

Organic fertilizers are made up of matter like weeds, stubble from farms, animal dung. When these substances are used as fertilizers, they increase the fertility of the soil naturally and are non-toxic. While on site you may notice our gardener spraying the plants with a "compost tea". 

Low Flush Toilets

Low flush toilets require less water, conserving this valuable resource.

Power-smart Appliances

These appliances use less energy than their standard counterparts, putting less strain on environmentally damaging hydro stations.

Energy Saving Light Bulbs

LED lighting has been installed wherever possible.

Tile & Wood Flooring

These types of flooring do not need replacing as often as carpet or linoleum, reducing the amount of waste and resources consumed to make new flooring. They also contribute to a healthier living environment.

Laundry Exchange Bins

By asking guests to put only the towels and linens they need changed into our towel bins, we cut down on the amount of laundry to be done. This conserves the amount of water and detergents being used.

Re-useable Mop Heads

Mop heads that can be washed and re-used equates to less garbage in the landfills and fewer resources consumed to make new ones.

Bio-degradable Cleaning Products

These cleaners break down into harmless by-products reducing chemical pollutants in the environment.


To keep useable waste out of harmful landfills, to help re-circulate materials, and to reduce consumption of valuable natural resources.

Battery-powered Golf Carts

Use a renewable resource (electricity) to keep our resort functioning with zero emissions.

Re-usable Grocery Bags

In each cabin you will find complimentary grocery bags to help reduce the need for plastics.

Paperless Confirmations

To reduce our paper needs we provide reservation confirmations by email.

Biodegradable & Glass Straws

Our Bean at the Cove coffee bar offers fully biodegradable cornstarch straws with our cold drinks, and we have a selection of re-useable glass straws available for purchase.